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St. Augustine's R.C. Church




Second Collection causes 2025 can be seen here.
Dew Association
causes can be seen here
200 Club
winners can be found here

200 Club Renewal slips for 2025 200 Club are available in the narthex, please complete and return to Mike or Teresa
Renewal slips for 2025,200 Club are available in the narthex, please complete and return to Mike or Teresa as soon as possible. New Members are welcome too, the cost is £12per year, 51% of the money raised goes to our Church funds and 49% if given out throughout the year as prize money to the lucky winners. In 2024 Prize money was £1,602.00 and £1,687.00 was given to our Church. Thank you for your continued support.

Clive Mailing invites you to a local pantomime that he is directing - Ali Baba. To be performed 17-19 and 24-26 January 25, evenings at 7.30pm and on the matinee days 2.30pm, to be held at St. William's Church, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9LR. Tickets are available on line at www.unitedplayers.co.uk, Adults £10 and concessions £7.

Lourdes diocesan Pilgrimage 2025.
Come and find out and ask questions about the Lourdes diocesan Pilgrimage which will take place in August 22-28th, 2025. The meeting will take place at St Henry & St Elisabeth Church , 53 Broadway, Sheppey, ME121TS, at 2pm on Saturday, January 25th 2025, at the kind invitation of Fr Aklilu PP. This jubilee year is the perfect opportunity for us to travel together "on pilgrimage" with Our Lady of Lourdes. Bishop Paul Hendricks and Dcn John Fogarty will have lots of information about the pilgrimage to share with you on the day and we look forward to seeing you there. Please let Dcn John know if you would like to attend or if you would like more information.
Dcn John Fogarty, 07851019134 or johnfogarty@rcaos.org.uk

Snow Patrol - Volunteers Required We are looking to establish a team of volunteers who Fr Peter could call upon in the event of extreme weather conditions to help clear snow and ice around the Church so that parishioners can continue to attend Mass safely. If you are able to help please e-mail the office on parkwood@rcaos.org.uk along with a note of your mobile number. We will then establish a Snow Patrol whatsapp group. Thank you.

Men's Spiritual Exercises, 31 March - 5 April 2025. A 5-day retreat version of the Ignatian Exercises offered specifically for men (whether lay or ordained), will be preached by the Benedictine Monks of St Joseph's Abbey, France. One-to-one direction will be offered alongside the talks. Priests are welcome to attend and concelebrate or celebrate their own Mass. More information and book here. https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/mens-spiritual-exercises/

Every Tuesday (9-11am) and Thursday (10-12) St Margaret's Church is open for anyone who is in need of food. There are no questions or judgement, Just Say Hello! Alongside this they are also providing Christmas Hampers which includes a Christmas dinner and a few treats to those who may be struggling. Please contact Emma MacQuillin or St. Margaret's directly if you, or someone you know, need to access the support. As always thank you all for your generous donations.

Free Catechetical Workshops and Reference Material: From today, every parishioner, as well as teachers and parents in our schools, has free and unlimited access to the workshops created by the world-renowned Catechetical Institute. From Scripture to parenting workshops, to catechetical training and mentoring, there is something for everyone. For information on how to register your free account visit: https://aec.rcaos.org.uk/franciscan

Fr. Peter has proposed that we have a Legion of Mary Group in our Parish to pray, evangelise and do charitable deeds. Initially we are asking everyone to reflect on this initiative and pray daily to the Holy Spirit for guidance. If you wish to give your thoughts to Fr. Peter then he would be pleased to receive them by Church email.

The Mass Diary invariably fills up a month in advance and often longer for weekend Masses. Accordingly please do bear this in mind if you would like a Mass said on a specific date. Please try and submit your Mass Intention envelopes as early as possible. If your preferred date is not available it will be booked in on the closest available date. If you have any queries regarding your Mass Intention please email the Parish Office on Parkwood@rcaos.org.uk.

First Holy Communions will take place on Saturday 7th June at 11am. First Holy Communion forms are at the back of the church. Please fill in and return to the Priest. Classes will start sometime in the New Year, on a Saturday at 1.30 pm in the Narthex. Please contact Deborah Dainesi on 01634 388496 for further information.

More volunteers are needed to join our Church cleaning teams. If you are available, please see noticeboard and contact Katy Merchant on 07970 390054.

There is Sunday Mass at the hospital chapel/prayer room, at 2.00pm every Sunday for hospital staff, visitors and patients. End of life and any urgent need of a Catholic priest contact the nurse on duty or office of the Chaplaincy. Visiting the in-patients on wards is on every Wednesday morning and Sunday afternoon done by the priests, deacons and volunteers.Thus, there is a call for catholic hospital volunteers. Please if you are willing and interested in offering this service contact the parish priest of
Our Lady of Gillingham 07448210669.

Fr Michael's Retirement. Fr Michael has moved into St Peter's. Many of you will wish to visit him and he will certainly be delighted to see you. Kathleen will manage Father's diary and ensure visits are suitably spread out.
Please telephone Kathleen in the first instance on 01634 710748. Father's new address is:
St Peter's, Little Sisters of the Poor Convent, 2a Meadow Road, Vauxhall, London SW8 1QH.
Get train to Victoria. Leave by main entrance and cross road to furthest Bus Stop F.
Take bus 36 or 185 to Archbishop Tennisons school stop. Walk back & cross at lights.
Go through archway through housing development and onto Meadow Rd. St Peter's is on the right.

Tea/coffee will be available after the 9am Sunday Mass. Any volunteers to help please speak to Carmel.
Please respect the parishioners arriving for the 11am Mass by departing from the car park by 10.20am.

The Southwark Catholic Youth Service has several activities in 2024 for youth and young adults. For regular updates on forthcoming events, please sign up to the network at www.tinyurl.com/scysnetwork or see our website at at www.tinyurl.com/scys1

The Poor Box If you or someone you know are struggling financially and would benefit from a donation from our Poor Box funds then please do let Father know. It will be in the strictest confidence.
Also if you /know of a local charity working to help the poor and needy in our community that would benefit from a donation.

Total raised
is £889.48 so far.
Please do consider signing up and helping the Parish with this easy fundraising initiative.
You can raise FREE donations when you shop online with over 5,000 retailers. It's simple and only takes 2 minutes to sign up! Please sign up now at https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/staugustineofcanterbury/
It is a simple free process. Instructions can be found here

We are still looking for new members to join the Parish Social Committee so if you are interested please mention it to Father or e-mail parkwood@rcaos.org.uk.

Latest documents from Synod of Bishops can be found here and on our FaceBook page.

If you are unable to attend Mass live Masses can also be viewed via https://www.churchservices.tv/ or at https://mass-online.org/
Holy Communion will not be available online so you may like to make an Act of Spiritual Communion